Get Scholarships for Tuition, Text Books & Training

CCHE understands how hard it can be to cover the cost of tuition, textbooks, and training. That’s why we offer several scholarship options! Check them out below.

Have questions or are feeling overwhelmed? We’re happy to walk you through it and our support is always FREE!

The impact of having a scholarship is second to none. With the rising costs of tuition and the uncertainty of interest rates on loans, having a scholarship to help offset costs means that I will be able to finish my degree.

Scholarship Recipient

CCHE has helped me in so many ways! It has helped with scholarship support, it has helped me succeed academically, and it has given me opportunities for mentorship support and advocacy. Without CCHE’s support, I wouldn’t have the sense of pride I do have about my academic success.. None of this would be possible without CCHE’s help.

Previous Student

For the disabled, a scholarship is often the difference between accomplishing your educational goals or not. The assistance is absolutely invaluable.

Previous Student

I have been a recipient of scholarship monies and it has encouraged me to keep going forward knowing someone is out there believing in me and also wanting to see me and fellow students reach for our dream.

Previous Student

Having scholarship monies to attend schooling is a great help to me. I am a single mother with a part time job and having my school tuition reduced is a large weight taken off my shoulders.

Previous Student

Everything helps! Tuition is expensive, and like most students, I cannot pay for the classes I need without scholarships. The assistance is a vote of confidence in my future, and I appreciate it very much.

Previous Student


CCHE offers three tuition scholarships for students living in Cook County, MN and enrolled in long-distance programs. Students interested in any of these scholarships can submit a single application and the Scholarship Committee will determine which scholarship(s) benefit the applicant the most. When awarded, funds are sent directly from CCHE to the institution of learning.

Deadlines for this scholarship application are well before the semester begins:
Early April for Summer classes, early July for the Fall semester and early November for the Spring semester (dates vary each year).

Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Scholarship
These $500 to $3,000 scholarships are available to students living in Cook County, MN and enrolled in a long-distance degree, diploma, or certificate program. Approved programs must meet CCHE’s minimum credit/hour load of 14 credits or 40 hours total (this minimum refers to the entire program, not each semester). The Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation has granted $160,000 for scholarships over the past 5 years.

Nancy and Mike Carlson Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 2014 as a legacy of Mike and Nancy’s amazing work in this community, their dedication to education, and in loving memory of Nancy Carlson who passed away on September 25, 2014. Scholarships up to $2,000 are available to students living in Cook County, MN and enrolled in a long-distance degree program with an education focus.

Wes Hedstrom Scholarship
This was established in 2001 in memory of Wes Hedstrom, a former CCHE Board Member and life-long advocate for education. The scholarship was created to provide new students needing that extra bit of help to make college possible. Scholarships up to $1,000 are available to students living in Cook County, MN and enrolled at least part-time in a long-distance education program.

Apply for all three of these scholarships by clicking below on the APPLY FOR TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS button.

April 7, 2025 at 5:00 pm CDT
Next Due Date for Tuition Scholarships


This $500 scholarship is awarded to a Cook County, MN applicant interested in pursuing a trade degree or diploma including Electrical, Carpentry, Surveying, Automotive, Refrigeration, Plumbing, Industrial Mechanics, Milling, and Welding. This scholarship is not necessarily for long-distance learners. Both graduating high school seniors and adult learners may apply.

High School Seniors: Applications are due in early April, contact Cook County Schools for the exact date (218-387-2271).
Adult Learners: the rolling deadline is the last Wednesday of every month; priority will be given to those who have not yet received the scholarship but all are welcome to apply. One scholarship is awarded per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).


This endowed scholarship is awarded to Cook County, MN residents interested in pursuing a training, course, or program that furthers skills and career opportunities. Funds cannot be used for renewal certifications, CE credits, or education equaling an AA degree or higher (apply to the Tuition Scholarship above). This scholarship is for individuals living in Cook County, MN, but training can be completed outside of Cook County. Both high school students and adult learners may apply.

  • Applications are accepted at any time – apply today!
  • Maximum scholarship award is $1,200

Have questions? Contact Lenna Stever-Sobanja at for more information.


CCHE  offers a separate scholarship to aid students in purchasing textbooks. Cook County, MN residents enrolled in a distance education or onsite course in Cook County, MN that has college credit and is part of a degree program are eligible for up to $300 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) to purchase textbooks. You must present a receipt for the book(s) you have purchased and your most recent tax return. CCHE will reimburse you at the % you have been awarded, not to exceed $300, based on your net income.

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