Which plants should I plant? 
Adding native plants to your yard is a fantastic idea! Native species offer numerous benefits, such as providing pollinator habitats, preventing erosion, filtering storm water runoff, and enhancing the beauty of your landscape. But how do you decide which species to choose? Join John Bly, Director of Operations and Special Projects at Metro Blooms, and Jessy Carlson, Resilience Extension Associate at Minnesota Sea Grant, for an event that will simplify the process of creating a native garden species list. They will also introduce an online, Minnesota-specific species selection tool called Plant Finder, which can generate a tailored species list for your project and site.

Resources & Contacts:

Questions Asked & Answered: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j23PXypjz-xBW9LGdH9WZJ6nBOLjT04D/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101054977705311616665&rtpof=true&sd=true