CCHE Laptop Application

Refurbished laptops are $175. We offer a payment plan option and a scholarship option of up to $100 which can also be paired with a payment plan. If you have questions before filling out the form please email or call 218-387-3411, ext 1. 

Please write N/A if you have none.

We will use this information to help us secure funding to continue the program (your confidentiality will be maintained).

Payment Options

Scholarship Request

We offer scholarships of $1 to $100 to reduce the cost a CCHE laptop. We may reach out to you in the future for a short statement to help us secure future scholarships (your name will not be shared).

If you are not requesting a scholarship, please write in N/A.

Payment Plan Request

If you are not requesting a payment plan, please write in N/A.
