Cost of College formula:
Total cost of attendance at a specific school (tuition, fees, living expenses, etc.) minus
All sources of financial aid available to you at that school (scholarships, grants, loans, etc.)
= Your out-of-pocket costs for one year

Find more details how to estimate out-of-pocket costs and how to finance your schooling.

Here is a complete list of tuition and fees charged by Minnesota higher education institutions.

Use the College Board calculator to determine your expected family contribution and the amount of federal financial aid for which you may be eligible.

Cost of College

How to Apply for Reciprocity
Minnesota has reciprocity agreements with Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, one institution in Iowa, and the Canadian province of Manitoba.

The Midwest Student Exchange Program provides reduced tuition for Minnesota residents at a limited number of Midwest public and private schools in Nebraska, Missouri, Michigan, Kansas, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

Out Of State Tuition
The difference between the resident and non-resident tuition rates is significant, and the requirements can be complex.  Here are some resources:
Everything You Need to Know About Out-State Tuition
In-State vs Out-State Tuition

How to Pay In-State Tuition at Out-State Colleges