More People, More Impact

Won’t you join us? We invite you to share your expertise, time, talent, and resources to help your neighbors create possibilities through education. Being an instructor or tutor with CCHE helps increases our reach within the community, allowing us to assist more students, workers, tradespeople, professionals, employers, and learners.

CCHE provides an impactful and essential service to our community, making valuable learning opportunities available to community members and organizations that advance our individual and collective talents.

Community Member

Teach a Class

We appreciate Cook County is home to a diverse population. Everyone who lives here has a unique story, history, and interests. At CCHE, we’d like to know what you know!

Share your knowledge through workshops and lectures. Are you an expert in your field? Do you know a foreign language? Have you recently figured out how to coordinate your electronics? Have you always loved math and would like to help someone else love it?

We are always looking for new, relevant and interesting programming. Compensation is available for most instructors. If you are interested, please click on the button above, complete, and submit the form.

Tutor Opportunities

As part of our college prep and long-distance college student support, CCHE offers free tutoring in a variety of subjects. Often, this one-on-one aid is the difference between success and failure for a student. We maintain a database of available tutors and their expertise, and CCHE staff makes the match and provides an initial introduction. The student and tutor create their own schedule. Our facility is open for tutoring, but does not need to be the location.

If you are interested, please click on the button above, complete, and submit the form. When a student needs help in your subject(s), we will contact you. Tutors are offered a stipend of $30 per 1-hour session.

Spread the Word

Spread the word! One of our biggest challenges is getting the word out about what CCHE can do to help every person in Cook County – student, resident, employee, or employer. Any help you can give us in spreading the word about our services, programs, and workshops is greatly appreciated.

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